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IATA launched files for July 2024 global air cargo markets showing persevering with robust annual relate in question.

Complete question, measured in cargo tonne-kilometers (CTKs), rose by 13.6% when when put next with July 2023 ranges (14.3% for global operations). That is the eighth consecutive month of double-digit yr-on-yr relate, with overall ranges reaching heights now not seen since the legend peaks of 2021.

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Capacity, measured in on hand cargo tonne-kilometers (ACTKs), increased by 8.3% when when put next with July 2023 (10.1% for global operations). This changed into largely linked to the expansion in global belly skill, which rose 12.8% on the flexibility of passenger markets and balancing the 6.9% relate of global freighter skill. It desires to be famed that the enlarge in belly skill is the lowest in 40 months, whereas the expansion in freighter skill is the ideal since an distinctive soar changed into recorded in January 2024.

“Air cargo question hit legend highs yr-to-date in July with robust relate all the scheme in which by scheme of all areas. The air cargo industry continues to rob pleasure in relate in global exchange, booming e-commerce and skill constraints on maritime transport. With the height season mute to attain support, it is miles shaping to be a truly robust yr for air cargo. And airlines have confirmed adept at navigating political and economic uncertainties to flexibly meet rising question developments,” acknowledged Willie Walsh, IATA’s director frequent.

Heart Eastern carriers saw 14.7% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July.

The Heart East–Europe exchange lane performed in particular effectively, surging 32.2%, forward of Heart East-Asia, which grew by 15.9% yr-on-yr. July skill increased 4.4% yr-on-yr.

African airlines saw 6.2% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July – the lowest of all areas and their lowest recorded resolve in 2024. Search files from within the Africa–Asia market increased by 15.4% when when put next with July 2023. July skill increased by 10.5% yr-on-yr.

Asia-Pacific airlines saw 17.6% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July – the strongest of all areas. Search files from for the Within-Asia exchange lane grew by 19.8% yr-on-yr, while the Europe-Asia, Heart East-Asia, and Asia-Africa exchange lanes rose by 17.9%, 15.9% and 15.4%, respectively. Capacity increased by 11.3% yr-on-yr.

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North American carriers saw 8.7% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July. Notify changed into hampered in segment by flight cancellations and airport closures within the US and the Caribbean in the case of Typhoon Beryl.  Search files from on the Asia-North The USA exchange lane, the biggest exchange lane by volume, grew by 10.8% yr-on-yr, while the North The USA-Europe route saw a modest enlarge of 5.3%. July skill increased by 7.0% yr-on-yr.

European carriers saw 13.7% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July. The Heart East–Europe exchange lane led relate, up 32.2%, affirming a trail of double-digit annual relate that originated in September 2023.  The Europe–Asia route, the second largest market, changed into up 17.9%. Within Europe also saw double-digit relate, up 15.5%. July skill increased 7.6% yr-on-yr.

Latin American carriers saw 11.1% yr-on-yr question relate for air cargo in July. As with North American carriers, relate changed into hampered in segment by flight cancellations and airport closures within the US and the Caribbean linked to Typhoon Beryl.  Capacity increased 9.4% yr-on-yr.

Caitlin DiMare-Oliver