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In a up to date roundtable dialogue, Gabriela Hiitola, Senior Vice President of Finnair Cargo, discussed the big affect of the Russian airspace closure on the airline’s operations, giving a detailed insight into how airlines have faith navigated this animated duration.

Evaluating and adapting

The airspace closure principally disrupted Finnair’s strategic routes, compelling the airline to reassess and regulate its operational near without discover.


“The Russian airspace closure had a extraordinarily astronomical affect on Finnair. It has impacted Finnair basically the most amongst European airlines because Asia turned into once our point of curiosity point and the approach of Finnair,” Hiitola talked about.

“We had been without discover evaluating the difficulty and the approach. We determined that we must not going to lose Asia. Now we have faith astronomical prospects, now we have faith astronomical carrier. Furthermore, from the cargo point of look, now we have faith astronomical products, and we must continue to wing to Asia.”

Despite dropping its aged routes due to the the airspace closure, Finnair has remained operational and committed to the Asian market.

“We acceptable must elevate a more balanced community within the wake of the Russian airspace closure,” Hiitola explained.

“Now we have faith lost our competitive advantage to others, but we are quiet working. Asia is quiet there for us, and now we have faith an complete bunch prospects there. So, we are quiet here.”

COVID-19 and closures

When comparing the affect of COVID-19 with the closure of Russian airspace, Hiitola offered a nuanced standpoint.

“Many of us deem that Covid turned into once the worst, but Covid turned into once a time-small teach that within the end ended,” she famend.

“With the Russian airspace closure, we don’t see the end in look… It has very much impacted our industry prognosis. The uncertainty of the airspace closure is much worse for us.”

Taking a learn about forward

Despite these challenges, Finnair continues to strategise for the future. Hiitola highlighted ongoing efforts to defend and grow its presence in Asia, emphasising the importance of flexibility and swift action in overcoming limitations.


“We are repeatedly re-evaluating our community and taking a look methods to optimise our routes and products and services to fulfill the needs of our prospects,” she added.